At F1F9, we’d like to wish you a happy new year.
That’s “bonne année” in French. Or “Feliz año nuevo” in Spanish. Or “Frohes neues jahr” in German.
And “سنة جديدة سعيدة” in Arabic.
As we’ve been getting our new FAST Fundamentals online course ready for launch, so we’ve experimented with subtitles. And we’ve focused in the first instance on French, Spanish, German and Arabic.
So if English is not your first language and you would like to build up your financial modelling skills then please check out our sample video with its choice of subtitles available under the “cc” option at the base of the video window.
You can switch the subtitles on or off as you like and we have also got subtitles in English.
FAST Fundamentals
We’ve designed FAST Fundamentals for those who have completed our free “31 days to better financial modelling” online course and are looking for their next step.
It is for people who want to continue building up a reliable base of modelling skills using the FAST Standard. It is for people who see modelling skills as part of a portfolio of business skills – what we call “business tradecraft”.
FAST Fundamentals also provides resources to help those preparing for the FAST Standard Organisation’s level 1 certificate.
FAST Fundamentals includes:
– consolidated quick reminders of what you should have learned from our “31 days…” course
– examples of how basic modelling skills might be applied to real-world models
– modules showing how to build a template start model from a blank Excel worksheet – including input, time and other foundation sheets
– practical modelling assignments to help you test your progress and answer the question: “Am I ready to move on?”
– access to a discussion forum managed by our 20+ team of professional modellers
The price of FAST Fundamentals is 95 GBP + VAT (where applicable).