The Listening Online Course

F1F9 financial modelling experts


Andrew Berkley


23 Jan 2017




How do you make an online course listen to you? Our answer is to have a team of 20+ professional financial modellers and instructors sitting behind the course. We have a range of financial modelling courses which include ongoing online support from our financial modelling experts, and we’re happy to respond to other questions as well.

Take Marie for example. Marie is a subscriber – along with 20,000+ other subscribers – to our free “31 Days to Better Financial Modelling” course.

Marie had a question on quick charts. Like many Excel users, she knows to highlight a set of data and then push the function key “F11” to obtain a chart. Like many of her fellow subscribers, she knows that charting data is fundamental to reviewing a model.

Her question was: how do I delete a chart once I have finished it without using the mouse? And why bother using a keyboard shortcut when mouse use appeared equally productive?

Here is our answer to Marie’s question: “It is possible to delete a worksheet using the right-click button on the mouse. By using the keyboard shortcuts we are forcing ourselves to be more deliberate in our actions thus reducing the risk that we delete a worksheet in error. Note that on deleting a worksheet it is not possible to undo the action.”

And because Marie told us her mother tongue was French, we also offered this: “Il est possible de supprimer une feuille de calcul à l’aide du bouton de clic droit sur la souris. En utilisant les raccourcis clavier nous nous forçons à être plus délibérée dans nos actions, réduisant ainsi le risque que nous supprimions une feuille de calcul dans l’erreur. Notez que sur la suppression d’une feuille de calcul, il est impossible d’annuler l’action.”

That’s from Google Translate.

From Marie’s response, it became clear that she was using the French version of Excel. So even with these answers, the English shortcut – Alt, Home, Delete, Sheet was doing nothing.

So we had a go at translating that too: Alt, Accueil, Supprimer, Feuille.

In all of our online courses – whether free or not – we want to engage with you as much as we can. And we are really pleased to share what knowledge we can – regardless of language.

Andrew Berkley
With a background in business education and financial advisory work, Andrew leads financial modelling training at F1F9. He has been with F1F9 since 2013.