Explore our ebooks, reports, free online courses and more for information about our approach to financial modelling. You'll find plenty of insights that we offer in the spirit of sharing our knowledge as widely as we can - and we'll add more content as soon as it's ready.

Optimising Renewable Energy Models: webinar recording, download and Q&A
Did you miss our Optimising Renewable Energy Models webinar? You can watch the recording, download the VBA guide and read our Q&A here.

Financial modelling guide
Technical notes on Escalation
At one level, financial modelling boils down to just two challenges: first, placing values correctly in time, and secondly, adjusting these values correctly for ‘the passage of time’. Download our Escalation notes to learn more - no form-filling required.

Managing Modelling
How to run an effective modelling team. 'Managing Modelling' uses real examples of how to run an effective modelling team with case studies from F1F9 customers and partners.

Financial modelling guide
Guide: Using the TRIM function
If your working day includes taking a large data-set from a source (like TBs and other reports downloaded from SAP etc) and dumping it in Excel ahead of doing something useful with it, then you’ll be familiar with frustrations associated with raw data. Here's how we use the TRIM() function to help clean things up.

The oil and gas modelling checklist
This ebook will help you scope out the model build requirements for an Oil and Gas project.

10 Signs that spreadsheets are killing your finance function
What are the symptoms of a serious spreadsheet infection?

How to standardise modelling
Professionalising modelling in your organisation is not just about running a training course - it's about change management, and that can be hard work.

How to build & use tornado charts in Excel
Is your forecast precise enough to make a confident decision?

Essential Model Optimisation
A large part of project finance modelling is about finding a financial solution that works. The optimisation process is an important part of finding that solution.

10 principles of Agile financial modelling
When applied to most financial modelling assignments a traditional lifecycle approach to financial model build doesn't work, this ebook will explain why.

White Paper
What skills must university students learn?
In evaluating job candidates, employers are all about skills: all skills - both academic skills and professional trade-craft. They are influenced less by the “knowledge” imparted by a specific degree. John Richter considers how we might do a better job of equipping graduates with skills required in the workplace.

A practical guide to opex modelling in oil and gas
This guide will help you understand the types of opex that you are likely to encounter in oil and gas projects.

Business Analysis Lifecycle
Your model exists to answer business questions. It is not an end in itself. This ebook defines the role of modelling in decision making.

Dirty Dozen: 12 Modelling Horror Stories
It has been reported that 88% of spreadsheets have some sort of error in them. Here is our list of the top 12 financial modelling horror stories.

CAPEX Modelling in Oil and Gas
In this ebook we explain the origin and application of the S-curve, and provide you with flexible worked example modules in Excel, built to the FAST Standard.

White Paper
Valuation Modelling Standards
Guidelines for spreadsheet modelling in the mining industry - by Dennis Cowen